It's been too long between blogs! I never intended for this to be daily blog but definitely more frequent than this . I will continue to blog for as long as I have worries/ thoughts/ ideas that need to be downloaded and to "de-clog": the old brain!
Things have been ticking a long well in Broome, I've had a few ups and downs which was to be expected but mainly JB and I have taken to life back in Broome like ducks to water.
We were only back in Broome a week or so when we went to the Christmas Markets in China Town. It was a great night except we had our first Broome experience with curious people commenting on Joanie's different appearance, for those of you who follow me on facebook you were probably aware that I was affected by this and took a while to come to terms with people being "only human" and feeling the need to question things. On facebook I shared a link for another blog that I could relate to written from the perspective of a mother who had a daughter with a significant birth mark on her face. The mother wrote suggestions on how to deal with remarks from different groups of people. I felt it very helpful. At the markets there were a few instances where I could of used her tips had I read it prior to this outing. An old work colleague came up to greet me and then was mortified when her young daughter asked why Joanie had such a big head. I explained to the little girl that she was still recovering from a big operation and that it would all settle down in time. Kids will be kids and question things frankly, I understand that , it still hurts but I understand it. I think what often makes it more upsetting is the parents reactions to their children's comments. I believe parents should be calm and not tell them off for being curious but explain to them that the child/ adult hasn't been well and that she's on the mend . When parents tell their children off it embarrasses everyone and makes the patient or person with the striking illness/ marking/ abnormality/ disability feel ashamed.
My dear husband and I handle things differently when it comes to remarks or odd body language about Joanie. Shaun bumped into someone he hadn't seen in a long time at the market, a lovely lady who was very sweet with JB but a bit taken back by her heavy brow. Shaun instantly went into detail about her condition, operations etc where as I would rather keep the finer details to discuss on here or with close friends and family. . Shaun is very protective and likes to explain why she looks a little different to anyone and everyone. where as I would prefer to keep conversations light and fluffy and details brief. Neither method is wrong but we have since agreed to come to a compromise with information shared, I feel hypersensitive about comments and uncomfortable about discussing in detail when out and about as it feels so close to home and brings back memories from my childhood.
On that same day , in the morning we had a totally opposite situation when I took Joanie to the public swimming pool with the mums and bubs group. I felt totally at ease as I always do with these lovely ladies and kids and comfortable to discuss our experience with Joanie should it come up in conversation. I think I am relaxed and chilled about the topic in this environment as it's never the main focus and I don't believe it should be.
Since our return little Miss Red has been full steam ahead with producing TEETH she now has six and some more on the way. For a while there she was a bit irritable as they were coming up and down but she is now back into feasting on all types of solids including a variety of fish , steak , vegies and her constant fruit ( yes Ju Ju she is still a fruit bat!)
As if someone upstairs was reminding us that Jb hasn't FULLY recovered on Tuesday I took her to the ER at the hospital for her suture wound to be checked. I felt it was probably a bit of over kill but went regardless as there was a section that kept proving to be a problem with healing, scabbing heavily then coming off and looking very tender and angry ( sorry if too much info!) The staff assured me it wasn't infected and to keep on monitoring that area and bring her back should it get worse. I felt the Broome Hospital Staff were helpful , however, I did write an email to PMH with a few queries, hopefully I will hear back soon.
A big shout out to everyone who has had December Birthdays so far including Jb's awesome cousin and our nephew Jake, beautiful Aunty/ cousin Sacha and handsome and ever talented Gruncle Brian with his big 70th!! Another special mention to my parents who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, so many special milestones its a shame we can't be with everyone to help them celebrate!
Hope everyone is getting into the Christmas Spirit I know it's a bit hard to when nasty situations like the Sydney Siege having occurred but I believe it gives us even more reason to hold our loved ones tighter!
Jb showing off her new teeth! |
More Photos are coming!