The other day I attempted to count how many flights Joanie and I have had together over the past 14 months....I lost count! You'd think that would make it very easy flying with a toddler now ?.....hmmmmmmmmm NO WAY!!
Jb had her first flight back home to Broome when she was only a few weeks old, nerves were maxed out as Shaun and I carried our precious new bundle in a funny "peanut shell" carrier. She spent the entire flight in and out of a milk coma , making funny gurgling , ewok noises. Apart from a bumpy landing it was a very smooth and surprisingly low maintenance flight. I felt a bit more confident and optimistic on travelling solo with Jb in the future,
The following flights proved to be very INTERESTING with a calm Jb , no worries TOP END all the noisy and partying came from the down stairs region . I had my first introduction to POONAMIS . It seemed for a while there that gravity affected her bowel movements and thank god most of these flights I was lucky enough to have no one sitting next to me so I didn't have to see their screwed up noses and looks of disgust.
Around the time of Jb's second operation in October 2014 Joanie's overly efficient system had slowed down and I didn't have to resort to putting her in a rain coat during air time, however, she replaced the shit storms with a very wriggly, fidgety state! Jb took to taking things in and out of the plane pockets, throwing food, pulling my hair and generally being a different kind of "pain in the ass".
But Joanie's busy-ness got to a new level on her recent flight to and back from Perth. Flying to Perth for Joanie's 3 month post op review, despite requesting a seat with no one next to us the packed to the rafters meant that Joanie and I were squeezed into the VERY back seat on the left hand side next to the window with a 7 year old next to me and her grandmother next to her. The little girl was very understanding when Joanie repetitively threw her milk bottle at her head and tried to grab things off her lap table. Space didn't allow me to have any lunch as I couldn't juggle Jb on my lap plus a tray of food and there was no way I was going to attempt to drink a cup of steamy coffee . I ended up falling into mum and dads arms at the Perth Airport , the 2.5 hour flight feeling like an overnighter overseas flight.
Our most recent flight from Perth to Broome has to take the cake for the most awkward, un relaxing and tiring flight I've ever had. My angst started at the airport when they advised me I had to sit next to someone as again it was a packed flight. I was a little happier when another mum was put next to me with a bub similar aged to Joanie, "she will be understanding of Joanie's newly acquired skill of squealing at the top of her voice box, surely...." I thought... unfortunately the hostie wiped the smile of my face when she moved the mum as only one baby is allowed per row due to the ratio of oxygen masks or something trivial (haha) so her 7ft husband with big knee caps was put in her place.
" I apologise in advance if she's a little noisy" I felt the need to give him a duty of care statement straight up.
"Don't worry I'm used to it" he reassured me
"Hmmmm "
Needless to say little miss brought out her alter ego " RED GONE WILD" .
I thought I was being very pro active being equipped with two bottles of milk, 3 books, five small squishy toys snacks and a IPAD with numerous interactive games, this ended up creating a problem in itself as she just had more things to try and throw resulting in me merging into my spirit animal an octopus to try and catch everything before being thrown at my neighbour Mr Big.
Mr big said lots of nice things like "Gee you've got your hands full" "Don't apologise, your right"
"Keeping you busy eh?"
At the end of the flight he said not to worry and that he was immune, didn't stop my face turning lobster red when the lady five rows in front passed back one of Jb's bottles.
I did feel better when disembarking the plane the hostie said for me never to apologise for my children and if anyone ever complains to give them a evil look! She also said Joanie was happy for the flight where as her child would've been crying the whole time, which was a something I spose.
Cuz, Sacha props to you flying with Boris from London to Australia, what tricks do you have up your sleave? Also those hero parents who travel solo with more than one? You deserve a bloody medal as far as I'm concerned!
I am feeling nervous about our longer flights to QLD coming up in March , however, i will have my husband with me which will make it MUCH EASIER! I do think Shaun and I will need a stiff drink once we get to the Goldcoast though.
Loza and a very new Jb and I before her first plane flight |
In the plane first time, Dadda taking photo |