Friday, 6 March 2015

When the Red Red Robbin comes bop bop boppin'

When Jb was a new born I always sung her the Red Red Robbin Song ( google it if you unsure and are bored) perhaps this is why she now chirps like a little birdie.
Shaun said to me once " You never know Jb may be quiet like me and not talk much"
HA! afraid not dear husband little Joanie takes after me with her chatting!
Yesterday (Friday 6th March) marked Joanie's 14th month birthday and I stopped and thought about her ever increasing vocabulary , here's a list of  the current Jb dictionary;
JB                                Translation
Muma                           Mum
Dada/ Da....da..            Dad
Ba/baaaaa/ba!!             Boo! (Peek a boo) said in unison with touching top of head or
                                     cover one or both eyes
Baba                             Baby (JB) said whilst pointing to herself
Ta                                 Thankyou
Yum                             Yummy! said when Shaun or I give her something she likes to eat
Nuna                             Banana  said happily when we present her with a banana
Narrr                             No
Alla!                             Hello , often said when a phone rings or when I get her from her cot
Nine words! I'm impressed! Jb also has a series of noises such as a funny noise that Shaun and I call the baby crocodile and the not so cute high pitch squeal that we hope wont stay on the scene for long!
Now we are working on her putting two words together likel
"Alla Muma! Alla Dada!" and "Yum Nuna!" So fun!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!