Friday, 10 February 2017

Broome Stars

In 2005 I wanted a sea change,   to move as far away from Perth as possible but stay in the same state, so I chose to apply for a live in Hotel position in Broome , stay for a season and see how I go , 12 years later I'm still here !  I was never just about work so had a list of community programs and classes I was to sign up for, Zumba was one of them.

Broome has a wonderful community spirit, sure we have social issues like many other regional towns but we have many inspirational creative souls who you love to be around.
An example of a Broome Gem and Shining Star is Justine De Bruyn. I started going to Justine's Zumba classes in 2010 when she started off in a small room at the local BRAC (Broome Recreational Aquatic Centre) the little side room was very modest but Justine was so friendly and welcoming I knew I would continue to go to her Zumba classes as often as I could no matter where she held them!
As Justine's following got bigger she leased a larger room at the Notre Dame University where I met lots of other lovely Broomies who I am proud to say I remain friends with to this very day. 
Justine has always got behind fundraising for special causes; World Natural Disasters, SIDS, Cancer Research, local  families going through challenging times as well as helping  many, many other charities. Justine was even kind enough to do a special fundraising  night for my nephew Boris when he was gravely ill with Cancer , the money went towards Cancer Research at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London where Boris spent much of his first year fighting cancer.
Justine along with a very talented  entourage were also kind enough to help me do a special dance at my wedding to help encourage everyone up on to the grass dance floor. I still think this dance was the catalyst of a great party enjoyed by everyone and a night my husband and shall never forget. 
Roughly five years ago Justine joined forces with five other wonderful women and created 
'Broome Dance Co-op' ( since evolved into BPAC, Broome Performing Arts Co-Op )
Justine and her team set up a great space, called 2 b six , based in old Broome where she continued to run Zumba Classes as well as numerous different kids dance classes . Zumba has since merged into  Hot Fitness , which is a fitness program offering numerous dance fitness style classes for all ages that keep you in shape in a fun non intimidating way!
BPAC and Hot Fitness outgrew the 2 b six studio and needed more than one room to run all the adult and children classes.  STUDIO 34 on Hunter Street is now well  under way in being constructed and will be an awesome facility for the Broome Community to continue to partake in a wide variety of adult and children dance classes in air conditioned, comfortable environment. (for more info please read below for links)
As Justine and her fellow teachers have never operated for profit and they have always ensured the kids end of year concerts were priced at an affordable rate for everyone to be able to attend they are now requiring any assistance possible to help create a studio of their (and our ) dreams. BPAC needs to raise $10 000 to cover the costs of a sprung floor, mirrors and soundproof walls so that they can continue their legacy- to provide fun, funky, professional, AFFORDABLE dance and performance opportunities for our kids and community! 
I have already had the pleasure of attending Justine's "Baby Wearing Booty Classes" ( dance classes whilst wearing our infants in carriers) Classes at the new  Studio 34 as part of her Hot Fitness program and am  very impressed with how everything is taking shape.
BPAC still needs assistance with the finishing of building their new Studio, and there is now under 10 days left to raise money for this worthy cause.
If you would like to help Justine and her fellow dance teachers to be able to continue to provide such a fantastic service to the adults and children of the Broome Community, please click on the below link and donate however much you can ( all amounts help).
Broome wouldn't be the wonderful town it is without Stars like Justine.....

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Happy New Year!!

Woah! A few days off a month since my last certainly has been a full on month too!
Christmas, New Year , my birthday and Joanie's Birthday!

I really hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas ours was lovely , time spent with friends in Broome over a delicious Christmas Lunch, Joanie was a delight and Koby was considerate sleeping through so I could have a few glasses of Champus ( he dined on my specially pre-prepared expressed milk.- funny I feel a bit guilty expressing milk so I can have a few drinks but hey I figure its the only way I can enjoy some beverages at this Festive time without pickling him at the same time!)

I then took Joanie and the Kobymiester to Perth from the 28th of December -5th of January. Originally it was only till the 3rd but I was having trouble fitting everything in  ( still didn't get to see everyone or  get to the beach or zoo  unfortunately ). I'm so happy to report that my two flights were
hassle free compared to my last horrendous encounter, I did take a few herbal relaxing tablets too so that may of also helped.

Sad to say our dear Vonnie ( Ju Ju's mum) had a fall on Christmas Day arvo , not a nice way to finish this festive day with Vonnie going via ambulance to Fiona Stanley Ed, silver lining being that she didn't have a bad break of her hip, it didn't require a replacement , but a bolt which from my understanding and experience with other elderly in our family wont need as much rehab/ recovery. Joanie, Koby and I regularly visited her at the South Perth Hospital and were happy to see her steadily improving. Here's hoping that she continues to mend well and that the next part of the process isn't too stressful for Gg and Ju Ju

Vonnie getting some healing vibes from Koby

Another big factor of us returning to Perth so soon after Joanie's review was to catch up with my dear cousin Sacha and her charming husband Nicolai (not to forget their awesome kiddies!)

Jb and her Aunt Sachi xx

On the 29th we met up with this London based Fam as well as Ju ju,  Annie , Zaylie, Kym and Florrie at the Naturescape in Kingspark, what a bonus! Joanie absolutely loved frolicking with her cousins in the rocky creeks, it made us feel like we were bush treking in the middle of the city! It was fantastic for Joanie to reunite with her cousins before our family gathering for Normas 90th the next day. It
was also wonderful to have a squeeze of the enchanting, forever smiling Max. aka Mini Sacha, who is only a month older than his cousin Koby.

On the 30th of December we had the pleasure of going on a very special boat cruise on a very snazzy catamaran (organised by the very clever and  efficient Marie) around the Swan River to places of special significance and meaning for Normas 90th. It was absolutely wonderful to see these special
locations through Norma and Phillips eyes , a lovely trip down memory lane. The kids all had the time of their lives playing together on the catamaran and the extended family and friends were all
treated to a gastronomic feast on the swan. I was proud to report back to Shaun that Koby felt very at ease on the boat and slept most of it, i think the gentle vibrations of the boat made him feel quite at home. When Koby wasn't sleeping he was hanging out with the other bub gang members, Max and the energetic Felix who appears to be only days away from walking! ( Watch out Lozzy and Oscar!)
Model Joanie relaxing on the boat...

New Years Eve Gg , Ju Ju, myself and the kids all went to my beautiful cousin Annie's house for a awesome soiree! I was a bit worried when Jb had a big tanty about getting out of their pool but she came good and got out eventually and played with her cousins Zac, Chloe, Boris, Zaylie and Florence on the play equipment. Koby again was very well behaved and slept most of the party, so good to know he is adaptable even sleeping in other peoples cots! It was also very cute as he roomed with his little Cousin Max who was also very well behaved and sleeping in his pram.
The highlight of my night was when Annie came out holding Joanie and a wonderful Chocolate Cake decorated by all the kids, Little miss Red shouted
"HAPPY BIRDAY MUMMA!" which melted my heart!, so touched by this gesture of Annies!
Once the kids went to bed we played a game of "Cards Against Humanity" which was very , very entertaining! The New Year was counted down under the stars and then we danced to some great tunes put together by Dj Kymmie. Zac was the dancer of the night!

My actual birthday was celebrated with a wonderful sundowner at Mary Street with family and Joanie helped me blow out the candles on another birthday cake, this time a creamy Casatta made by Ju Ju!
Joanie helping mumma blow out the candles

Of course we couldn't come to Perth without visiting Joanie's name sake , Joan Stanley, her Great Grandma. Grandma and Grande were absolutely stunned by Joanie's appetite as she devoured everything put infront of her at the Club house dining room. I believe the little kids and bubs give Grandma moments of clarity when you wouldn't even be able to tell she had a stroke. She says "Isn't' she beautiful" and "look at that little boy" "What a darling" sentences like these are very few and far between these days for the once chatterbox senior. The two Joanie's even shared a bowl of ice cream which was delightful.
Joanies eating icecream
Other highlights of our whistle stop tour included picnic teas on the South Perth Foreshore, once with Gg and Ju Ju and another time with the newly extended family Elliot, Sam and the gorgeous Ellie! (Congrats again guys she's magnificent!)
A catch up in Baldivis with the Hartleys was also well overdue, what an awesome way to spend a summery day in their magnificent pool!
And Joanie was lucky to have quite a few play dates with her cousins, she is now able to name everyone in the photos..
Showing Koby Farr the South Perth Foreshore...
Eri meeting the beautiful Ellie!

Koby catching up with uncle Elliot

Fun at the Hartleys
Play dates with cousins!

Towards the end of our time in Perth everything seemed to go  a bit pear shaped as it often does when i try to do too much in the remaining hours. The main inconvenience being our flight was delayed by three hours. Luckily the kids had a sleep in the car as we returned back to Mary street and we had a snack tea. The nap meant the kids were in good spirits for the later flight.

Since returning to Broome Joanie has had her 3rd birthday which unfortunately didn't go to plan, Shaun and I had organised a pool party at the Mercure but I was being a typical worry wart and post poned it as the weather reports were forecasting rain , Murphys Law the time of the scheduled party had no rain. On the brighter side next Sunday will give us more time to organize a fun party for our little Red Head.

Despite being low key Joanie did enjoy her birthday, she played with all her Christmas Toys, ate her favourite food and I took her shopping to buy some little presents. Her big Birthday Present is an enclosed trampoline which Shaun's co worker has kindly offered to drive up to us from Perth.  She keeps on telling everyone she's getting a "boing boing" , should be here by Monday. Can't believe our first little "big girl" is now three! Where has the time gone?........

Happy New Year!