Thursday 5 February 2015

Attack of the nerves

Friday the 13th ( I choose for this to be a lucky not bad luck day) will be Jb's 3 month review.  I really hope it goes well, I think it should based on mother's gut instinct but I just pray they don't have any advice like they believe another operation will be required.
I will be interested on what they say regarding the suture wound itself, I'm surprised its still quite scabby. I've been advised by doctors/ pharmacists and hospital staff that due to a combination of the Broome Tropical Climate and huge stress on the skull growing/pulling it's not unusual that the suture wound would pull and small openings would appear and scab. They have all advised I continue with emollients, vitamin b creams etc which I will do. It does make me reluctant to let her go swimming in all waters such as the Town Beach Water Park or water that could possibly not be 100% clean - Probably being a bit OTT but I have become very paranoid about infections ever since she was re-admitted that time.
Shaun and I can see that her skull is definitely rounder in shape , the bumps either side of her forehead are still evident but becoming smaller and smaller which is awesome. The back of her head has a flat section which I'm hoping will round out due to the suture being opened. If another operation was required it would be focusing on that back section as the rest of her skull was remodelled , all except that back section.
It may be to early to tell at this review as if further procedures are required it wouldn't be till next year, but I'm sure they can give us an idea if its progressing as hoped.
Think of us at 10.40am Friday 13th.
Hope to catch up with our Perth Friends and Family when down!

1 comment:

  1. I will be thinking of you and Joanie, Erica. Fingers and toes crossed for you! xx
