Monday 3 November 2014

Passing with flying colours

Today Miss J had her first clinic at the Plastic Outpatient department and we couldn't be happier with how she went.
Mum and I had our list of questions for the doctors and they were quite helpful with answering them.
The Surgeons and Doctors were very impressed with her scar (thanks to my regular suture care) and how round her head now is on top and how her swelling is coming right down. They also explained that the front advancement will all even out when the mid face grows forward. and will give a softer appearance.
Funny story, at the hospital there were three young boys all running around the waiting room and one little boy came up to Joanie to say hello " Your baby looks angry!"  he said
"Really? Well she is very happy she just looks angry at the moment" I replied
So yes out of the mouths of babes that's how Joanie looks at the moment , a little pissed off, that's what happens when you have a heavy brow, I shouldn't make fun but mum and I say when she's a little irritable she looks a bit like an angry marmalade cat, but then when she laughs her beautiful blue eyes still sparkle and her four toothie pegs still smile up at you and the angry cat look disappears.
As well as a good review at the clinic Joanie has turned a corner with her sleeping, sleeping through the night ( sometimes waking only once or twice for a quick feed) and having 1-2 day sleeps. Its ironic that she's sleeping better this time round than compared to last time, perhaps as she's wearing herself out with the mending or her infection last time was making it hard to sleep? who knows?
Jb's appetite is also returning she's eating the same amounts of solids as before the operation and her head isn't too sensitive now for her to return to rolling around on the floor again.
We look like we will be back in Broome ) providing she continues to keep going well) in 2-3 weeks, another surprise bonus as we anticipated much longer!

1 comment:

  1. Great news about the sleeping! Everything I have read says their sleep can be rubbish post op, and Ivy still wakes 3-4hrly for breastfeeds so maybe she will follow JBs style and start sleeping through the night too!. Sounds like she is doing really well, great stuff.
