Tuesday 7 October 2014

Wednesday is brought to you by the letter "W" and Mr Wacky and Wondrous Watermelon

Shaun and I agreed that he should try and catch some fish for us to donate to the Ronald Macdonald House where we will be staying from the 22nd -28th October so he took off with Uncle Jeda this morning , fingers crossed they do well as this will more than likely be Shauns last trip to Derby for a long while as when he gets back it will almost be the Wet Season and then will be too hard to get to their special spots.
Joanie and I hopped in Eddie the Mazda this morning and went to OUR favourite beach spot, you can tell Mumma Bear doesn't know the tides like Dad as the tide was right up and our special spot to sit wasn't there plus the water was very choppy. so we sat with the car windows down and enjoyed the sea breeze and some breaky we got at our favourite Breaky Drive Through "Good Cartel" ( they should pay be for advertising).
In the car we found Mr Wacky , Jb's favourite toy a gender neutral hammer that I thought had carked it and no longer made his annoying yet appealing to a baby squeak.....MR WACKY WAS RESURRECTED and started squeaking again to my and Jb's amazement. Jb wouldn't stop hitting Mr Wacky repeatedly on her car seat and continued to do so whilst eating watermelon when we got home!  Happy Days!

Hope everyone's hump day is going well!

1 comment:

  1. Please note I didn't give her that much watermelon hah
